Rules for Web Site & Newsletter Pictures
Generic pictures for the MASCA web pages; please use non distinctive photos. No dogs with special marking (unusual blaze, black eye patch etc.) or at events that is identifiable. No web links may be attached or hidden in the photos.
When you submit the photo you need to list Name of owner, date of birth of the dog or puppy, registered name of the dog or puppy. No recognition will be given for those photos, and a signed release that MASCA may use this photo on any publication or web site.
Brags for the MASCA Web site and the Newsletter Brags must be mini Aussie only. Photos must identify the owner, dog and event. The photo release must be signed also.
Brags will be submitted to the BOD for content approval and verification, and then the BOD will send them to the Web mistress and the newsletter coordinator.
Please use the photo release form below.
MASCA Photo Release Form (PDF)